Court of Honor

September 29th, 2011

The troop’s fall Court of Honor will be October 6 at 7:30pm at the Congregational Church. Scouts should arrive at 7pm to help set up.

Photo Gallery Updated

September 21st, 2011

The troop photo gallery has been updated (albeit late) with pictures from Matt’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor.

Eagle Scout Court of Honor – 8/21/2011

August 20th, 2011

Matt Borowy’s Eagle Scout COH will be held tomorrow evening, 8/21/11 at 6pm under the pavilion at Quinnipiac Park.

Photo Gallery Updated

August 7th, 2011

The troop photo gallery has been updated with pictures from Andrew’s Eagle Scout court of honor.

Court of Honor

June 12th, 2011

The Spring Court of Honor will be held at Mixville Park this Thursday, June 16, in the far pavillion. It will start at 6:30pm. Scouts should arrive at 6:00pm. The Patrol and the Wack-a-mole patrol are to being food. The Burnt French Toast Patrol is to being beverages.

Troop Meeting 5-12-11

May 8th, 2011

Go over final Deer Lake prep
Lashing demo
Health forms and permission slips are due – see attached forms

No meeting

April 19th, 2011

There is no meeting Thursday, April 21, because of spring break.

Meeting March 29

March 29th, 2011

This Thursday we will be welcoming the new scouts from Pack 198. Also, make sure to bring the equipment that was handed out a few weeks ago for cleaning.

Troop 92 Cookbook

March 22nd, 2011

The Troop 92 Cookbook is now available online on the Documents page of the troop website.

Ziti Dinner Ad/Ticket Sales

February 21st, 2011

Please continue selling Ziti Dinner tickets and advertisements. Ad sales are due by Friday, February 25th. Please turn them into Mrs. Houseman when you show up at 5:30pm for the Klondike Derby.